Welcome to Dr. Larry Wolford’s practice in Dallas, Texas! The following patient information will help you with preparation for an initial consultation. Please feel free to call us if you have additional questions.
Please download the online Patient Medical Information Forms and bring these completed forms to your initial consultation.
1. Initial Surgical Evaluation
Before Surgery, you will have an initial surgical evaluation with Dr. Wolford. It will last approximately 2 hours. During that time, Dr. Wolford will perform an in-depth evaluation and develop a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan.
He will answer your questions in reference to the diagnosis, treatment recommendations, alternative treatments, risks and complications. A list of diagnostic factors and a detailed treatment plan will be prepared and sent to you and your referring doctor.
A pre-authorization letter will also be prepared for your insurance company, if surgery is recommended. Initial surgical evaluation start at $500.
• Medical Records
Please bring any pertinent medical records such as history of onset for problems for which you are seeing Dr. Wolford, previous surgeries and treatments, other medical conditions you may have, sleep studies, list of medications and dosages, etc.
• Imaging
At your initial consultation, cone beam imaging will be taken to aid Dr. Wolford in your evaluation. This imaging is important in establishing your diagnosis and treatment. If you have TMJ problems, then an MRI of the jaw joints may be recommended.
• Dental Models
A recent set of dental models is usually very important for a patient assessment. Your general dentist or orthodontist could provide a set of dental models for you to bring to your appointment so that your comprehensive evaluation and treatment planning can be completed on your initial visit. If a set is not available, dental impressions can be taken in our office, but could delay finalization of a definitive treatment plan.
2. Insurance Plans
Dr. Wolford works with all insurance providers, except Medicare, Medicaid, and Champus. He is not a network physician of any insurance plans and would be considered out of network for your insurance company.
He accepts Care Credit If you incur any difficulty in obtaining coverage from your insurance provider, our staff will assist you in this process.
3. Emergencies
If you have an emergency, please call 911. Our office maintains a 24 hour answering system to provide the best possible medical care. Every attempt will be made to contact the patient or patients family as soon as possible to answer questions, refill medications, or aid emergency care.
4. Preoperative and Postoperative Care
Preoperative and postoperative care information is provided to assist you with your surgery. Research shows that when patients know what to expect, it leads to a significant reduction in anxiety, earlier discharge from the medical center, less pain medication requirements and a significant improvement in the recovery process.
5. After Surgery Follow-up Appointments
Dr. Wolford closely monitors patients post surgery while the patients are in the hospital and following discharge from the hospital.
Local Patients
Local patients are usually seen for follow-up appointments on a weekly basis for the first month following hospital discharge and then appointments as necessary.
Medical Travel Patients
Medical and surgical travel patients who come from long distances usually remain in the Dallas area for one week following hospital discharge and are usually seen every other day until they return home. The patients are then monitored back home by one or more of their local treating Doctors.
Unusual circumstances may affect length of time remaining in Dallas, frequency and number of follow-up appointments, and recommended return visits. For long distance patients, follow-up appointments are often recommended at 2 to 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year post surgery.
Need More Patient Information?
If you have patient information questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Dr. Larry Wolford’s office using our online contact form or call 214-828-9115.