What Sets Apart Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Orthognathic Jaw Surgery in 2023?

If you’re considering a surgical procedure for aesthetic or functional reasons, it’s important to understand the differences between cosmetic plastic surgery and maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery. In 2023, these two types of surgeries have distinct purposes and outcomes. Read on to learn more about the distinctions between these procedures and what they can offer.

Understanding Cosmetic Plastic Surgery.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is a type of surgical procedure that focuses on enhancing a person’s appearance. It is typically performed to improve aesthetic features and address concerns related to physical appearance. Common cosmetic plastic surgeries include breast augmentation, rhinoplasty (nose job), facelift, liposuction, and tummy tuck. These procedures are elective and are not typically covered by insurance. The goal of cosmetic plastic surgery is to enhance the patient’s self-confidence and overall satisfaction with their appearance.

Exploring Maxillofacial Orthognathic Jaw Surgery.

Maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery, on the other hand, is a type of surgical procedure that focuses on correcting functional and structural issues with the jaw and facial bones. This surgery is often performed to correct problems such as misaligned jaws, bite issues, and facial asymmetry. Unlike cosmetic plastic surgery, maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery is typically considered a medical necessity and may be covered by insurance. The goal of this surgery is to improve the patient’s ability to chew, speak, and breathe properly, as well as to enhance their overall facial harmony and function.

Key Differences Between Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Orthognathic Jaw Surgery.

While both cosmetic plastic surgery and maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery involve surgical procedures on the face, there are key differences between the two. Cosmetic plastic surgery focuses on enhancing the appearance of the face and body, with procedures such as facelifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction. These procedures are typically elective and are performed to improve aesthetic concerns.

On the other hand, maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery is primarily focused on correcting functional and structural issues with the jaw and facial bones. This type of surgery is often necessary to address problems such as misaligned jaws, bite issues, and facial asymmetry. Unlike cosmetic plastic surgery, maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery is considered a medical necessity and may be covered by insurance.

The goals of these surgeries also differ. Cosmetic plastic surgery aims to enhance the patient’s appearance and boost their self-confidence. In contrast, maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery aims to improve the patient’s ability to chew, speak, and breathe properly, as well as enhance their overall facial harmony and function.

It’s important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine which type of surgery is appropriate for your specific needs and goals.

Benefits and Risks of Each Procedure.

Both cosmetic plastic surgery and maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery come with their own set of benefits and risks.

In cosmetic plastic surgery, the benefits include improved self-esteem and confidence, enhanced physical appearance, and the ability to address specific aesthetic concerns. However, there are also risks involved, such as infection, scarring, and potential complications from anesthesia. It’s important to carefully consider these risks and discuss them with your surgeon before undergoing any cosmetic procedure.

On the other hand, maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery offers benefits such as improved jaw function, corrected bite issues, and enhanced facial symmetry. This type of surgery can greatly improve a person’s quality of life by addressing functional problems that may be causing difficulty with eating, speaking, or breathing. However, there are also risks involved, including potential nerve damage, infection, and the need for additional surgeries or orthodontic treatment.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo either cosmetic plastic surgery or maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery should be based on your individual needs, goals, and the advice of a qualified surgeon. It’s important to thoroughly research and understand the benefits and risks associated with each procedure before making a decision.

Making an Informed Decision: Which Surgery is Right for You?

Making the decision between cosmetic plastic surgery and maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery can be challenging, but it’s important to make an informed choice that aligns with your specific needs and goals. Consider factors such as your desired outcome, the potential risks and complications, and the expertise of the surgeon.

If you are primarily concerned with improving your physical appearance and addressing specific aesthetic concerns, cosmetic plastic surgery may be the right choice for you. However, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved, such as infection and scarring, and to have realistic expectations about the outcome.

On the other hand, if you are experiencing functional issues with your jaw, such as difficulty with eating, speaking, or breathing, maxillofacial orthognathic jaw surgery may be the more appropriate option. This type of surgery can greatly improve your quality of life by addressing these functional problems. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks, including nerve damage and the need for additional surgeries or orthodontic treatment.

Consulting with a qualified surgeon is essential in making the right decision for your individual circumstances. They can provide you with a thorough evaluation, discuss the benefits and risks of each procedure, and help you determine which surgery is best suited to achieve your desired outcome. Remember to ask questions, gather all the necessary information, and take your time in making this important decision.

Dr. Larry Wolford / Web Decoration

Get To Know Dr. Larry M. Wolford, DMD

Diplomat of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral Maxillofacial Jaw Surgeon | Larry M. Wolford, DMD
Dr. Larry M. Wolford
The Leading Maxillofacial Revision Surgeon in the World

Dr. Larry M. Wolford, known as a caring and compassionate doctor, surgeon, researcher, lecturer, inventor, is renowned globally as a leading innovator in TMJ (jaw joint) surgery, orthognathic “corrective jaw” surgery, and maxillofacial revision surgery. He has completed many thousands of successful surgeries and is the most recognized, awarded, and referred Maxillofacial surgeon in the World.

Dr. Wolford’s patients travel to Dallas, Tx from all over the world. He has received recognition from his esteemed surgeon colleagues in the form of numerous awards, honors, Who’s Who in the World, and voted one of the leading Maxillofacial Surgeons in the world. Dr. Wolford has tirelessly shared his knowledge, surgical inventions, and expertise with other surgeons having trained hundreds of other surgeons through various fellowships at Baylor and Texas A&M.

Dr. Wolford is the recognized expert in his field as seen on numerous media outlets and by his long list of Google 5 Star reviews. Other oral surgeons, dentists, maxillofacial surgeons regularly refer their most difficult patients to Dr. Wolford because of his superior knowledge, capabilities, and life-changing results.

Contact Dr. Wolford’s Staff for a Free Initial Telephone Consultation.

Office Location:

Larry M. Wolford, DMD

Baylor University Medical Center, Worth Street Tower 3409 Worth Street, Suite 400, Dallas, TX 75246

Experience Matters

Dr. Larry Wolford / Web Decoration
Dr. Larry Wolford has over 40 years of complex surgical experience

Dr. Larry Wolford has over 40 years of complex surgical experience

65% of his practice are patients referred from all over the USA and other countries

65% of his practice are patients referred from all over the USA and other countries

Developed many innovative procedures that are the current jaw surgical techniques

Developed many innovative procedures that are the current jaw surgical techniques

Listens to the patient and answers questions with care and compassionate

Listens to the patient and answers questions with care and compassionate